Milcho Hekimov
"It all began in 2016. I still remember the interview being scheduled on my birthday. I was at the store picking up sweets to celebrate with my colleagues when I received a call informing me that the interview had been postponed by a week. In that moment, I felt both relieved and a bit disappointed – relieved for the extra time to prepare, but disappointed that I’d have to wait longer for the opportunity."
Milcho Hekimov as the CTO
How Did Your Journey at Quality House Begin?
It all started in 2016. I remember that the interview was scheduled for my birthday. I was at the store, buying sweets to bring to the office when I got a call about moving the interview for 1 week later. I was relieved and disappointed at the same time.
When you were a child, what did you dream you'd become?
A hacker. I even thought real hackers are like in the movies with all the flying texts and speed writing on the keyboard.
Which is the thing you appreciate the most in your colleagues?
For you the company events mean?
A way to have fun with all the colleagues.
How do you imagine the ideal teambuilding?
At a hut in the mountains.
It all started in 2016. I remember that the interview was scheduled for my birthday. I was at the store, buying sweets to bring to the office when I got a call about moving the interview for 1 week later. I was relieved and disappointed at the same time.
When you were a child, what did you dream you'd become?
A hacker. I even thought real hackers are like in the movies with all the flying texts and speed writing on the keyboard.
Which is the thing you appreciate the most in your colleagues?
For you the company events mean?
A way to have fun with all the colleagues.
How do you imagine the ideal teambuilding?
At a hut in the mountains.