Erik van Veenendaal Will Be a Tutorial and a Keynote Speaker at SEETEST 2016
- 15 Mar 2016

We are proud to welcome the winner of the "ISTQB International Testing Excellence Award" and the "European Testing Excellence Award" Erik van Veenendaal, who will be a tutorial and a keynote speaker on SEETEST 2016.
Erik van Veenendaal is an internationally recognized testing expert, author of a number of books and has published a large number of papers within the profession. He is an independent consultant doing consultancy, training, publications and presentations and is a regular keynote and tutorial speaker at international testing conferences.
On the first day of SEETEST 2016 (September 15th) Erik will present a tutorial on the topic: "Discount Usability Testing". Erik's keynote speech will take place on the second day of the conference (September 16th) on the topic: "Building on Success – Beyond the Obvious".
Erik van Veenendaal is an internationally recognized testing expert, author of a number of books and has published a large number of papers within the profession. He is an independent consultant doing consultancy, training, publications and presentations and is a regular keynote and tutorial speaker at international testing conferences.
On the first day of SEETEST 2016 (September 15th) Erik will present a tutorial on the topic: "Discount Usability Testing". Erik's keynote speech will take place on the second day of the conference (September 16th) on the topic: "Building on Success – Beyond the Obvious".
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